1. Cottus gobio喜欢生活在急流的底部,它们在捕食时往往隐藏在石头下面。(英语:Cottus gobio likes to live at the bottom of rapids, often hiding under stones while hunting.)
2. Cottus kazika是一种常见的淡水鱼,它喜欢生活在清澈的溪流中。(匈牙利语:Cottus kazika is a common freshwater fish that likes to live in clear streams.)
3. Cottus bairdi被认为是北美最难捕捞的淡水鱼之一。(西班牙语:Cottus bairdi is considered one of the most difficult freshwater fish to catch in North America.)
4. Cottus reinii可以在日本的山区溪流中找到。(日语:Cottus reinii can be found in mountain streams in Japan.)
5. Cottus confusus的身体颜色通常是暗绿色或暗褐色。(波兰语:The body color of Cottus confusus is usually dark green or dark brown.)
6. Cottus kessleri是一种受到保护的淡水鱼,分布在保加利亚和罗马尼亚的山区河流中。(德语:Cottus kessleri is a protected freshwater fish found in mountain streams in Bulgaria and Romania.)
7. Cottus caeruleomentum的体长通常在10厘米左右。(捷克语:Cottus caeruleomentum is usually about 10 cm in length.)
8. Cottus transsilvaniae生活在罗马尼亚的特兰西瓦尼亚地区,是该地区的特有鱼类。(罗马尼亚语:Cottus transsilvaniae lives in the Transylvania region of Romania and is a unique fish species in the region.)
9. Cottus hextii是北美东部淡水鱼种中较小的一种,通常不超过10厘米。(法语:Cottus hextii is one of the smaller freshwater fish species in the eastern United States, usually not exceeding 10 cm.)