'Zebrasoma flavescens'是拉丁语,翻译为中文是黄尾刺尾鱼。这是一种珊瑚鱼,主要生活在太平洋地区海域,外形独特,身体呈椭圆形,背部及侧面为鲜艳的蓝色,腹部为白色,尾巴是鲜艳的黄色,体长可达20厘米。
以下是9个含有'Zebrasoma flavescens'的例句:
1. The Zebrasoma flavescens is a popular fish among saltwater aquarium hobbyists. (Zebrasoma flavescens是海水水族爱好者中很受欢迎的鱼类。)
2. The Zebrasoma flavescens feeds mainly on algae and plankton. (Zebrasoma flavescens主要以藻类和浮游生物为食。)
3. The beautiful coloration of the Zebrasoma flavescens makes it a popular species for aquarium enthusiasts. (Zebrasoma flavescens的美丽色彩使它成为水族爱好者喜爱的物种。)
4. The Zebrasoma flavescens is a peaceful fish that can live with other non-aggressive species. (Zebrasoma flavescens是一种和其他非攻击性物种可以和平共处的鱼类。)
5. The Zebrasoma flavescens requires a large tank with plenty of swimming space and hiding spots. (Zebrasoma flavescens需要一个有足够游泳空间和藏身处的大鱼缸。)
6. The Zebrasoma flavescens can be difficult to maintain in captivity, as it requires a specialized diet and pristine water conditions. (Zebrasoma flavescens在囚养环境中维持难度较大,因为它需要专门的饮食和纯净的水质条件。)
7. The Zebrasoma flavescens is known for its ability to clean up algae in reef tanks. (Zebrasoma flavescens以其清除珊瑚礁鱼缸中藻类的能力而闻名。)
8. The Zebrasoma flavescens is also known as the yellow tang. (Zebrasoma flavescens也被称为黄刺尾鱼。)
9. The Zebrasoma flavescens is a popular target for fishermen in some parts of the world. (在世界某些地区,Zebrasoma flavescens是渔民喜欢捕捞的目标。)