"Polistes" 并不是一个语言,它实际上是一个昆虫学上的属名,属于黄蜂科(Vespidae),包括了许多种类的黄蜂,它们通常是社会性的,但比较原始,不像蜜蜂那么有组织。在中文中,“Polistes”通常翻译为“胡蜂”。
1. Polistes dominulus is a species of paper wasp commonly found in Europe.(Polistes dominulus 是一种常见于欧洲的纸黄蜂物种。)
2. The sting of Polistes can be very painful.(胡蜂的蜇可能非常疼痛。)
3. Polistes build their nests in trees or on buildings.(胡蜂会在树上或建筑物上筑巢。)
4. Polistes are known for their distinctive coloration patterns.(胡蜂以其独特的色彩图案闻名。)
5. Polistes usually hunt for insects to feed their young.(胡蜂通常会捕食昆虫来喂养幼崽。)
6. Polistes are generally not aggressive unless their nest is threatened.(胡蜂通常不具有攻击性,除非它们的巢受到威胁。)
7. Polistes are important pollinators in many ecosystems.(在许多生态系统中,胡蜂是重要的传粉者。)
8. Polistes can be beneficial to gardens by controlling pest populations.(胡蜂可以通过控制害虫种群来对花园有益。)
9. It is important to avoid disturbing Polistes nests to avoid being stung.(避免干扰胡蜂巢穴是很重要的,以免受到蜇伤。)