Hemiramphidae是什么意思 Hemiramphidae的读音、翻译、用法

Hemiramphidae是什么意思 Hemiramphidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Hemiramphidae family is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. (半喙鱼科分布于全世界的热带和亚热带水域。)

2. The Hemiramphidae family includes more than 50 species of halfbeaks. (半喙鱼科包括50多种半喙鱼。)

3. Halfbeaks, or Hemiramphidae, are characterized by their elongated lower jaw. (半喙鱼或半喙鱼科以其延长的下颌而著称。)

4. The halfbeaks belong to the family Hemiramphidae, which is known for its unique mouth structure. (半喙鱼属于半喙鱼科,该科因其独特的口部结构而闻名。)

5. Many species of Hemiramphidae are popular among recreational fishermen. (许多半喙鱼科的物种受到垂钓者的欢迎。)

6. The Hemiramphidae family includes some of the fastest swimming fish in the ocean. (半喙鱼科包括一些在海洋中游泳最快的鱼类。)

7. Halfbeaks, or Hemiramphidae, are commonly found in estuaries and shallow coastal waters. (半喙鱼或半喙鱼科通常存在于河口和浅海水域。)

8. Hemiramphidae are often found swimming near the surface of the water. (半喙鱼科常常在水面附近游泳。)

9. The elongated lower jaw of Hemiramphidae is thought to aid in feeding on small fish and plankton near the water’s surface. (半喙鱼科的延长下颌被认为有助于在水面附近进食小鱼和浮游生物。)

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