'Riptortus clavatus'是拉丁语,意为“带钩瓢虫”。它是一种常见的瓢虫科昆虫,分布于东亚地区,包括中国、日本、朝鲜半岛等国家和地区。
以下是9个含有'Riptortus clavatus'的例句:
1. Riptortus clavatus是一种对农业有害的昆虫,它会吞噬作物的叶子和幼芽。
(中文翻译:Riptortus clavatus is a kind of harmful insect to agriculture, which will devour the leaves and sprouts of crops.)
2. 近年来,Riptortus clavatus在国内逐渐增多,给农业生产带来了威胁。
(中文翻译:In recent years, Riptortus clavatus has gradually increased in China, posing a threat to agricultural production.)
3. 由于Riptortus clavatus的繁殖能力强,及时的防治措施十分必要。
(中文翻译:Due to the strong reproductive capacity of Riptortus clavatus, timely prevention and control measures are necessary.)
4. 研究发现,Riptortus clavatus的寿命大约为xx年左右。
(中文翻译:Studies have found that the lifespan of Riptortus clavatus is about 1 year.)
5. 在日本,Riptortus clavatus被用作观赏昆虫,备受喜爱。
(中文翻译:In Japan, Riptortus clavatus is used as a decorative insect and is very popular.)
6. Riptortus clavatus的体长约为7毫米左右。
(中文翻译:The body length of Riptortus clavatus is about 7 millimeters.)
7. 中国科学家正在研究Riptortus clavatus的生物特征,以便更好地控制它们的数量。
(中文翻译:Chinese scientists are studying the biological characteristics of Riptortus clavatus to better control their numbers.)
8. Riptortus clavatus属于半翅目昆虫。
(中文翻译:Riptortus clavatus belongs to the Hemiptera order of insects.)
9. 在中国,Riptortus clavatus是一种常见的豆类害虫。
(中文翻译:In China, Riptortus clavatus is a common pest of legumes.)