chlorella是什么意思 chlorella的读音、翻译、用法

chlorella是什么意思 chlorella的读音、翻译、用法



1. 菌体膨大的嘌呤藻可以用于微藻状悬浮液的生产。

The enlarged chlorella cells can be used for the production of algal suspensions.

2. 嘌呤藻是一种高营养价值的食物。

Chlorella is a high-nutrient food.

3. 这种保健品含有多种植物营养素,包括嘌呤藻提取物。

This dietary supplement contains a variety of plant nutrients, including chlorella extract.

4. 嘌呤藻粉末可以在饮料、汤和煮食中使用。

Chlorella powder can be used in beverages, soups, and cooking.

5. 这个素食汉堡用嘌呤藻和豆腐作为主要原料。

This vegetarian burger is made with chlorella and tofu as the main ingredients.

6. 嘌呤藻营养价值高,是一种天然的蛋白质来源。

Chlorella is a high-nutrient food and a natural source of protein.

7. 这个面霜含有嘌呤藻提取物,可以帮助保湿和提亮皮肤。

This moisturizer contains chlorella extract, which helps to moisturize and brighten the skin.

8. 嘌呤藻被认为可以减轻疲劳和增强免疫力。

Chlorella is believed to reduce fatigue and enhance immunity.

9. 在农业领域,嘌呤藻被用作饲料、肥料和塑料生产的原材料。

In agriculture, chlorella is used as a feed, fertilizer, and raw material for plastic production.

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