'Sorghum roxburghii'是印度的词语,中文翻译为“罗氏高粱”。
以下是9个含有“Sorghum roxburghii”的例句:
1. Sorghum roxburghii is a cereal crop grown in India.(罗氏高粱是印度种植的谷类作物。)
2. Sorghum roxburghii has a high protein content and is often used as animal feed.(罗氏高粱富含蛋白质,通常用作动物饲料。)
3. Sorghum roxburghii is also known as Indian millet.(罗氏高粱也被称为印度小米。)
4. Sorghum roxburghii is drought-resistant and can grow in low-fertility soils.(罗氏高粱具有耐旱性,能在低肥力的土壤中生长。)
5. Sorghum roxburghii is used to make a traditional Indian flatbread called roti.(罗氏高粱用于制作传统印度烤饼叫做罗蒂。)
6. Sorghum roxburghii is an important crop for farmers in southern India.(罗氏高粱对印度南部的农民而言是一种重要的作物。)
7. In India, Sorghum roxburghii is often used to make a popular alcoholic beverage called chang.(在印度,罗氏高粱经常用于制作一种受欢迎的酒类饮料叫做chang。)
8. Sorghum roxburghii has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.(研究表明,罗氏高粱具有抗炎和抗氧化性质。)
9. The flour made from Sorghum roxburghii is gluten-free and can be used as a substitute for wheat flour.(用罗氏高粱制成的面粉不含麸质,可以用作替代小麦粉。)