1. Mephitidae are known for their ability to spray a strong-smelling liquid when they feel threatened.(臭鼬科以释放强烈气味的液体作为防御手段而闻名。)
2. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is a species of mephitidae that is found in North America.(斑纹臭鼬(Mephitis mephitis)是一种分布在北美的臭鼬科物种。)
3. The hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) is a species of mephitidae that is found in Central and South America.(猪鼻臭鼬(Conepatus leuconotus)是一种分布在中南美洲的臭鼬科物种。)
4. The term "skunk" is often used to refer to any member of the mephitidae family.(“臭鼬”一词通常用来指代任意一个臭鼬科成员。)
5. Mephitidae are primarily nocturnal animals that hunt for insects, small rodents, and other prey.(臭鼬科主要是夜间活动的动物,猎食昆虫、小型啮齿动物和其他猎物。)
6. Some species of mephitidae are able to climb trees in order to escape predators.(一些臭鼬科物种能够攀爬树木以逃避捕食者。)
7. The striped skunk is one of the most well-known members of the mephitidae family.(斑纹臭鼬是臭鼬科家族中最知名的物种之一。)
8. Mephitidae are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and grasslands.(臭鼬科分布在多种栖息地中,包括森林、沙漠和草原。)
9. The hog-nosed skunk is sometimes called a "stink badger" because of its resemblance to members of the badger family.(猪鼻臭鼬有时被称为“臭獾”,因为它长得像獾科动物。)