'Pinus muricata'是拉丁语,表示"刺果松"。它是一种常绿针叶树,原产于北美洲的加利福尼亚州和墨西哥。
以下是9个含有'Pinus muricata'的例句:
1. 美国加利福尼亚州的德文镇大道种植了刺果松。
(Devin Avenue in California, USA is planted with Pinus muricata.)
2. 这种树的树皮是灰褐色的,叶子很长,针叶呈束状,是刺果松的特征。
(The bark of this tree is gray-brown, the leaves are long, and the needles are bundled, which are characteristics of Pinus muricata.)
3. 刺果松是一种美丽的针叶树,适合在公园和花园中种植。
(Pinus muricata is a beautiful coniferous tree, suitable for planting in parks and gardens.)
4. 这座城市修建了一个新的公园,里面种植了很多刺果松。
(The city built a new park, in which many Pinus muricata were planted.)
5. 刺果松的茎干通常是粗糙的,而它们的树冠则是圆锥形的。
(The stems of Pinus muricata are usually rough, while their crowns are conical.)
6. 园艺工作者们在这条街道上种植了一排刺果松,以防止它们被风吹倒。
(Gardeners planted a row of Pinus muricata on this street to prevent them from blowing over in the wind.)
7. 刺果松在北美洲的许多地区都被广泛种植,因为它们具有美丽的外观和出色的防风效果。
(Pinus muricata is widely planted in many regions of North America because of its beautiful appearance and excellent windbreak effect.)
8. 纽约州的一个公园中种植了很多刺果松,它们的树冠形成了一个美丽的绿色隧道。
(Many Pinus muricata were planted in a park in New York State, and their crowns formed a beautiful green tunnel.)
9. 刺果松的品种有很多,它们的叶子和针叶的颜色也会有所不同。
(There are many varieties of Pinus muricata, and the colors of their leaves and needles may also vary.)