Vespula是什么意思 Vespula的读音、翻译、用法

Vespula是什么意思 Vespula的读音、翻译、用法



1. Vespula germanica是一种常见的黄蜂,可以在欧洲、北美和澳大利亚找到。

(Vespula germanica is a common wasp species that can be found in Europe, North America, and Australia.)

2. 黄蜂属的成员通常会在地下或树洞里建立巢穴。

(Members of the Vespula genus typically build their nests underground or in tree cavities.)

3. 一些人对黄蜂属的蜇伤有过敏反应,可能导致严重的过敏反应,甚至可能危及生命。

(Some people have allergic reactions to stings from wasps in the Vespula genus, which can cause severe allergic reactions and even be life-threatening.)

4. 黄蜂属的成员通常会被吸引到甜美的食物上,因此在野餐或露营时需要小心。

(Members of the Vespula genus are typically attracted to sweet foods, so it’s important to be careful during picnics or camping trips.)

5. 黄蜂属的蜂巢可能包含数千只黄蜂,如果被惊扰,它们可能会攻击人类。

(Wasp nests from the Vespula genus can contain thousands of wasps and can be dangerous if disturbed, as the wasps may attack humans.)

6. Vespula maculifrons是一种特别凶猛的黄蜂,它们通常会在人群中找到食物,因此需要特别小心。

(Vespula maculifrons is a particularly aggressive species of wasp that is often found around human crowds, so it’s important to be extra careful.)

7. 黄蜂的蜇伤可能会引起剧烈的疼痛和肿胀,但通常不会危及生命,除非受害者有严重的过敏反应。

(Wasp stings can cause severe pain and swelling, but are typically not life-threatening unless the victim has a severe allergic reaction.)

8. 黄蜂属的蜇伤应该立即冲洗,以减少痛苦和感染的风险。

(Wasp stings from the Vespula genus should be immediately rinsed to reduce pain and the risk of infection.)

9. Vespula vulgaris是一种黄蜂,它们通常在草地和田野里寻找食物。

(Vespula vulgaris is a species of wasp that is often found foraging in fields and meadows.)

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