1. Aphelenchoides属内的一些物种会造成土壤中植物病害。
(The species within the genus Aphelenchoides can cause plant diseases in soil.)
2. 这种微型螺旋线虫是某些水果作物的主要病原体之一。
(This nematode is one of the primary pathogens of certain fruit crops.)
3. 还有没有其他种类的微型螺旋线虫会寄生在这种植物上?
(Are there any other types of Aphelenchoides that can parasitize on this plant?)
4. 植物凋萎的原因可能是微型螺旋线虫感染引起的。
(Plant wilting may be caused by infection with Aphelenchoides.)
5. Aphelenchoides是一种微型线虫,它通常寄生在植物的叶片和根部。
(Aphelenchoides is a type of nematode that typically parasitizes on plant leaves and roots.)
6. 研究表明,某些抗菌物质可以对微型螺旋线虫的寄生产生抑制作用。
(Studies have shown that certain antibacterial substances can inhibit the parasitism of Aphelenchoides.)
7. 对于防治微型螺旋线虫感染的土壤管理方法有哪些?
(What are the soil management methods for preventing Aphelenchoides infection?)
8. 该病害正在导致某些作物产量下降。
(The disease is causing a decrease in yield of certain crops.)
9. 由于微型螺旋线虫的寄生,植物的根系可能会出现损伤和变形。
(The parasitism of Aphelenchoides can cause damage and deformation of plant roots.)