daca是什么意思 daca的读音、翻译、用法

daca是什么意思 daca的读音、翻译、用法

'daca'并不是一个国家的语言,它实际上是美国的一项政策,全称为“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”,中文翻译为“青年入境程序延期行动”。该政策旨在为在美国非法居留的来自其他国家的年轻人提供一种法律途径,以获得工作许可和暂时的避免被驱逐出境的权利。




1. She was able to apply for DACA and now she can legally work and study in the United States.(她成功申请了DACA,现在可以合法工作和学习在美国。)

2. DACA recipients are sometimes referred to as 'Dreamers'.(DACA受益者有时被称为“梦想家”。)

3. The DACA program was initiated by President Barack Obama in 2012.(DACA计划是由奥巴马总统于xx年发起的。)

4. DACA recipients must renew their application every two years.(DACA受益者必须每两年更新他们的申请。)

5. The Trump administration announced its intention to end the DACA program in 2017.(特朗普政府在xx年宣布了终止DACA计划的意图。)

6. DACA recipients are required to have arrived in the United States before age 16.(DACA受益者必须在xx岁之前抵达美国。)

7. The DACA program has been praised for providing opportunities to young immigrants who are in the country illegally.(DACA计划因为为在该国非法居留的年轻移民提供机会而受到赞扬。)

8. Many politicians and activists have called for permanent protection for DACA recipients.(许多政治家和活动家呼吁为DACA受益者提供永久保护。)

9. The DACA program has provided relief and security for thousands of young people in the United States.(DACA计划为数以千计的美国年轻人提供了解脱和安全。)

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