1. Caddoan 包括卡多族和其他具有相似文化和语言的原住民。
(Caddoan includes the Caddo tribe and other indigenous people with similar culture and language.)
2. Caddo Mounds 是一个历史文化遗址,位于德克萨斯州东部。
(Caddo Mounds is a historical and cultural site located in eastern Texas.)
3. Caddo Lake 是德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州之间的一个湖泊。
(Caddo Lake is a lake between Texas and Louisiana.)
4. Caddo Parish 是路易斯安那州的一个行政区划。
(Caddo Parish is an administrative division in Louisiana.)
5. Caddo 语是一个已经灭绝的印第安语言。
(Caddo language is an extinct Native American language.)
6. Caddo Nation 是印第安部落的官方名称,现在拥有许多土地和权利。
(Caddo Nation is the official name of the Native American tribe, which now owns many lands and rights.)
7. Caddo 谷是一个位于阿肯色州的农业地区。
(Caddo Valley is an agricultural area located in Arkansas.)
8. Caddo 传统文化包括音乐、舞蹈和手工艺品制作。
(Caddo traditional culture includes music, dance, and crafts.)
9. Caddo 历史可以追溯到公元xx年,他们曾经在南方建立过强大的国家。
(Caddo history dates back to 800 AD when they established a powerful nation in the south.)