otterhound是什么意思 otterhound的读音、翻译、用法

otterhound是什么意思 otterhound的读音、翻译、用法


1. The otterhound is known for its excellent sense of smell and ability to track otters in the water.(水獭猎犬以其极佳的嗅觉和在水中追踪水獭的能力而闻名。)

2. The otterhound was developed in England in the 19th century specifically for hunting otters.(水獭猎犬是19世纪在英国专门为猎水獭而培育出来的。)

3. Otterhounds are large dogs with shaggy, waterproof coats and webbed feet that are well-suited for swimming.(水獭猎犬是一种大型犬种,毛发杂乱有致,具有防水功能,脚上的趾蹼适合游泳。)

4. The otterhound is a rare breed that is known for its friendly and sociable personality.(水獭猎犬是一种罕见的犬种,以其友好和社交性格而闻名。)

5. It takes a lot of training and patience to teach an otterhound to hunt otters effectively.(要让水獭猎犬能够有效地猎捕水獭,需要进行大量训练和耐心。)

6. The otterhound is recognized by many kennel clubs around the world, including the American Kennel Club.(水獭猎犬被许多世界范围内的犬舍俱乐部认可,包括美国犬业俱乐部。)

7. In the past, otterhounds were often used for hunting other types of game, such as deer, but today they are mostly used for their original purpose of hunting otters.(过去,水獭猎犬经常用于猎捕其他类型的野生动物,如鹿,但今天它们更多地被用于其最初的猎水獭的目的。)

8. The otterhound is a unique breed that is not suited for everyone, but those who love them appreciate their loyalty, intelligence, and hunting skills.(水獭猎犬是一种独特的犬种,不适合所有人,但喜欢它们的人欣赏它们的忠诚,智慧和狩猎技巧。)

9. Otterhounds have been used for hunting otters for hundreds of years and are an important part of the cultural heritage of many European countries.(水獭猎犬已经被用来狩猎水獭数百年,是许多欧洲国家文化遗产的重要组成部分。)

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