John Dalton是什么意思 John Dalton的读音、翻译、用法

John Dalton是什么意思 John Dalton的读音、翻译、用法

'John Dalton'这个词语来源于英语,是指英国化学家约翰·道尔顿,他是原子论的奠基人之一,也是化学原子量的开创者。在英语中,Dalton是一个常见的姓氏,可以用作人名或地名。

以下是9个含有‘John Dalton’的例句:

1. John Dalton's atomic theory revolutionized our understanding of the nature of matter. (约翰·道尔顿的原子论革命性地改变了我们对物质本质的理解。)

2. The John Dalton School is a prestigious international school in New York City. (约翰·道尔顿学校是纽约市的一所著名国际学校。)

3. The John Dalton Medal is awarded annually to recognize outstanding contributions to physical chemistry. (约翰·道尔顿奖章每年颁发一次,以表彰在物理化学领域做出杰出贡献的人士。)

4. John Dalton's work on color blindness laid the foundation for modern understanding of this condition. (约翰·道尔顿对色盲的研究奠定了现代对这种情况的理解基础。)

5. The John Dalton Highway is a remote highway in Alaska that connects the Prudhoe Bay oil fields with Fairbanks. (约翰·道尔顿公路是阿拉斯加的一条偏远公路,连接普鲁多湾油田和费尔班克斯。)

6. John Dalton's experiments with gases led to the development of the gas laws. (约翰·道尔顿对气体的实验导致了气体定律的发展。)

7. The John Dalton Building is a research facility at the University of Manchester named after the famous chemist. (约翰·道尔顿楼是曼彻斯特大学的一座研究设施,以这位著名的化学家命名。)

8. John Dalton's life and work are the subject of many biographies and historical studies. (约翰·道尔顿的生平和工作成为许多传记和历史研究的主题。)

9. The John Dalton Street Market is a popular outdoor market in Manchester that sells a variety of goods. (约翰·道尔顿街市场是曼彻斯特的一个受欢迎的露天市场,销售各种商品。)

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