1. The depth of the Moho discontinuity varies from about 5 miles (8 km) beneath oceanic ridges to about 25 miles (40 km) beneath continents.(莫霍不连续面的深度从海洋脊下方的大约5英里(8公里)到大陆下面的大约25英里(40公里)不等。)
2. This movement can be detected by measuring the time taken for pressure waves and Moho waves to travel through the Earth.(通过测量压力波和莫霍波通过地球所需的时间,可以检测到这种运动。)
3. The S-wave shadow zone is the region where S-waves do not appear after an earthquake due to the shadowing effect of the Earth's core, mantle and Moho discontinuity.(S波阴影带是地震后由于地球核,地幔和莫霍不连续面的阴影效应而没有出现S波的区域。)
4. The thickness of the continental crust also varies more than that of the oceanic crust, from less than 10 to more than 50 km, with the Moho lying beneath it.(大陆地壳的厚度也比海洋地壳的厚度变化更大,从不到10公里到超过50公里不等,莫霍面位于它下面。)
5. The Moho discontinuity is found about 5-10 km beneath the ocean floor.(莫霍不连续面位于海底下约5-10公里处。)
6. Because seismic waves are reflected by the boundary between the crust and the mantle at Moho discontinuity, it has been used to map the Earth's interior.(因为地震波在莫霍不连续面处被地壳和地幔之间的界面反射,所以它被用于绘制地球内部图像。)
7. The Moho discontinuity was first discovered by Croatian seismologist Andrija Mohorovičić in 1909.(莫霍不连续面是由克罗地亚地震学家安德里亚·莫霍罗维奇于xx年首次发现的。)
8. The Moho discontinuity is also called the Mohorovičić discontinuity in honor of its discoverer.(莫霍不连续面也被称为莫霍罗维奇不连续面,以纪念其发现者。)
9. The Moho discontinuity separates the Earth's crust from the underlying mantle, which is made mostly of solid rock that flows under pressure over long geologic time periods.(莫霍不连续面将地球地壳与下面的地幔分开,后者主要由在长时间地质时间段内由固态岩石在压力下流动而形成的岩石构成。)