'Alnus hirsuta'是拉丁语,翻译为中文是“毛桤木”。毛桤木是一种落叶乔木,树高可达25米,树皮灰色光滑,树枝密集。毛桤木分布于中国、日本、朝鲜半岛、俄罗斯远东地区等地,生长在山区、丘陵和湿地等环境中。毛桤木的树干和树皮具有药用价值,可以用于治疗痢疾、咳嗽等疾病,树木也经常用于造纸、木材等方面。
以下是9个含有'Alnus hirsuta'的例句:
1. The bark of Alnus hirsuta can be used to treat diarrhea.(毛桤木的树皮可用于治疗腹泻。)
2. Alnus hirsuta is widely distributed in Asia.(毛桤木广泛分布于亚洲。)
3. The leaves of Alnus hirsuta turn yellow in autumn.(毛桤木的叶子在秋天会变黄。)
4. Alnus hirsuta is an important source of timber.(毛桤木是重要的木材来源。)
5. The wood of Alnus hirsuta is hard and durable.(毛桤木的木材坚硬耐用。)
6. Alnus hirsuta is a common plant in wetlands.(毛桤木是湿地常见的植物。)
7. The flowers of Alnus hirsuta bloom in spring.(毛桤木的花在春季开放。)
8. Alnus hirsuta is resistant to pests and diseases.(毛桤木抵抗虫害和疾病。)
9. The roots of Alnus hirsuta can help stabilize soil.(毛桤木的根可以帮助稳定土壤。)