dichondra是什么意思 dichondra的读音、翻译、用法

dichondra是什么意思 dichondra的读音、翻译、用法



1. Dichondra repens is a popular ground cover plant in Australia.(双色珍珠草是澳大利亚常见的地被植物。)

2. Dichondra does not tolerate foot traffic and is not suitable for use as a lawn.(双色珍珠草不能承受步行交通,不适合用作草坪。)

3. The leaves of dichondra look like tiny silver dollars.(双色珍珠草的叶子长得像小银元。)

4. Dichondra is a good choice for hanging baskets and window boxes.(双色珍珠草是悬挂式花篮和窗盒的好选择。)

5. The dichondra plants in my garden are spreading quickly.(我的花园里的双色珍珠草正在快速扩散。)

6. Dichondra needs well-draining soil and can be damaged by overwatering.(双色珍珠草需要排水良好的土壤,过度浇水会对其造成损害。)

7. The silvery leaves of dichondra look beautiful in the sunlight.(阳光下,双色珍珠草的银色叶子看起来很美。)

8. Dichondra is often used as a filler plant in garden design.(双色珍珠草经常被用作花园设计中的填充植物。)

9. I love the way dichondra looks next to my purple petunias.(我喜欢双色珍珠草和紫色海棠花在一起的样子。)

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