The Sun 一词源于英语,是指太阳。在英语中有许多与阳光、太阳有关的词汇都含有 The Sun,比如 sunrise(日出)、sunset(日落)、sunburn(晒伤)、sunscreen(防晒霜)等等。
1. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(太阳从东边升起,西边落下。)
2. She got a bad sunburn from spending too much time in The Sun.(她在阳光下呆了太久,晒伤了。)
3. I always wear sunscreen when I go to the beach to protect myself from The Sun's harmful rays.(我去海滩的时候总是涂防晒霜,以保护自己免受太阳的有害辐射。)
4. The Sun was shining brightly, making everything look beautiful.(太阳明亮地照耀着,让一切都显得美丽。)
5. The Sun set behind the mountains, casting a beautiful orange-pink glow across the sky.(太阳在山后落下,把一片美丽的橘红色晕染到天空上。)
6. They had to cancel the outdoor concert because The Sun was too hot and it wasn't safe for people to be outside for too long.(他们取消了户外音乐会,因为太阳太热,人们不能太久地呆在室外,这是不安全的。)
7. The Sun was shining down on the fields, making the crops grow tall and strong.(太阳照耀在田野上,让作物长得高大而有力。)
8. The Sun was already up when they started their journey, and they knew they had a long day ahead of them.(他们开始旅行的时候,太阳已经升起了,他们知道前面有一个漫长的一天。)
9. She loved to sit outside and read in the sunshine, feeling the warmth of The Sun on her skin.(她喜欢坐在外面,晒着阳光看书,感受着太阳温暖的触感。)