Deinonychosauria是什么意思 Deinonychosauria的读音、翻译、用法

Deinonychosauria是什么意思 Deinonychosauria的读音、翻译、用法



1. Deinonychosauria were a group of carnivorous dinosaurs that lived during the Cretaceous period.(恐爪龙类是生活在白垩纪的一类肉食性恐龙。)

2. Velociraptors belong to Deinonychosauria.(迅猛龙属于恐爪龙类。)

3. The discovery of Deinonychosauria fossils has greatly enriched our knowledge of dinosaur evolution.(发现恐爪龙类化石大大丰富了我们对恐龙进化的了解。)

4. Deinonychosauria are characterized by their large sickle-shaped claws.(恐爪龙类以它们的大镰刀状爪子为特征。)

5. Scientists believe that Deinonychosauria were highly intelligent and may have had complex social behaviors.(科学家认为恐爪龙类非常聪明,可能具有复杂的社会行为。)

6. Deinonychosauria were likely feathered dinosaurs, as evidenced by the presence of feather-like structures in some fossils.(恐爪龙类可能也是有羽毛的恐龙,一些化石证明了类似羽毛的结构。)

7. Deinonychosauria diversified during the Late Cretaceous period, giving rise to many different species.(恐爪龙类在白垩纪晚期分化出许多不同的物种。)

8. The genus Deinonychus is often used as a representative example of Deinonychosauria.(属于恐爪龙类的恐爪龙属常常被用作代表性例子。)

9. Deinonychosauria are sometimes referred to as "raptors" because of their predatory nature.(恐爪龙类有时也被称为“追食者”,因为它们是捕食性动物。)

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