Mary Celeste是什么意思 Mary Celeste的读音、翻译、用法

Mary Celeste是什么意思 Mary Celeste的读音、翻译、用法

'Mary Celeste'是英国的词语,可翻译为“玛丽·赛莱丝特号”,是一艘于xx年在大西洋上失踪的船只。这艘船原本应该在船长、船员和家属的陪同下从纽约港出发,前往意大利的热那亚港,但在途中突然消失。后来,人们在葡萄牙附近的海域找到了这艘船,但船上所有人都不知所踪,甚至食物和水也没有消耗完。这次神秘的失踪成为了航海史上的谜团之一。


1. The story of Mary Celeste still puzzles historians and naval experts today.(玛丽·赛莱丝特号的故事至今仍让历史学家和海军专家们感到困惑。)

2. The disappearance of the crew of Mary Celeste remains a mystery that has never been solved.(玛丽·赛莱丝特号船员失踪的事件依然是一个未被解决的谜团。)

3. Many theories have been put forward to explain what happened to Mary Celeste and its crew, but none of them are conclusive.(有许多理论试图解释玛丽·赛莱丝特号及其船员的失踪事件,但都不是确定的。)

4. Some people believe that the crew of Mary Celeste were abducted by aliens, while others think that they were attacked by sea monsters.(有人认为玛丽·赛莱丝特号船员被外星人绑架了,而其他人则认为他们被海怪攻击了。)

5. Mary Celeste was a well-known merchant ship in the 19th century, and its disappearance sparked widespread public interest.(玛丽·赛莱丝特号是19世纪著名的商船,其失踪引起了广泛的公众关注。)

6. The mystery of Mary Celeste continues to intrigue people all over the world.(玛丽·赛莱丝特号的谜团仍然吸引着全世界的人们。)

7. Many books and films have been made about the story of Mary Celeste, but no one knows for sure what really happened.(许多关于玛丽·赛莱丝特号的书籍和电影已经问世,但没有人确切知道真相。)

8. The disappearance of Mary Celeste is one of the most famous maritime mysteries in history.(玛丽·赛莱丝特号失踪事件是历史上最著名的海上谜团之一。)

9. Although many years have passed since the disappearance of Mary Celeste, people still speculate about what might have happened to its crew.(尽管玛丽·赛莱丝特号已经失踪多年,但人们仍然猜测船员可能发生了什么事情。)

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