Dragon Ball是一部来自日本的漫画和动画作品,同样也是一部全球知名的动画作品,被翻译成多种语言。Dragon Ball中的龙珠象征着神秘和力量,它是动画中一个非常重要的元素。在这部作品中,主人公孙悟空在不断成长,与众多强大的敌人进行斗争,最终成为了一个超级英雄。Dragon Ball的热度一直都没有减退,即使是现在还是很受欢迎的。
以下是含有Dragon Ball的例句:
1. Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama.(《龙珠》是由鸟山明所创作的一部日本漫画。)
2. The Dragon Balls are seven mystical orbs that can grant wishes when brought together.(龙珠是七个可以满足愿望的神秘宝珠。)
3. The story of Dragon Ball follows the adventure of a young boy named Goku.(《龙珠》的故事跟随着一个年轻的名叫孙悟空的男孩的冒险。)
4. Dragon Ball Z is the sequel to the Dragon Ball anime and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original 519-chapter Dragon Ball manga series.(《龙珠Z》是《龙珠》动画的续集,故事情节改编自原作519话中的后325话。)
5. Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation.(《龙珠超》是由东映动画制作的日本动画电视系列。)
6. The Dragon Ball video games have been released for various consoles including PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.(《龙珠》游戏已经适用于各种各样的游戏机,包括PlayStation,Xbox和任天堂Switch。)
7. Dragon Ball cosplay is very popular among fans of the series.(《龙珠》cosplay在系列迷中非常流行。)
8. The Dragon Ball franchise has also inspired numerous spin-off mangas, TV shows, films, and video games.(《龙珠》系列还启发了许多衍生漫画,电视节目,电影和游戏。)
9. Dragon Ball is one of the most iconic and recognizable anime series worldwide.(《龙珠》是全球最具代表性和最受认可的动漫系列之一。)