'An Lushan'是汉语拼音,用中文翻译为安禄山。安禄山是唐朝末年的一位军事将领,他在xx年发动了安史之乱叛乱,颠覆了唐朝的政权,成为了叛乱的头领。安禄山的起义导致唐朝衰落,对中国历史产生了重大影响。
以下是9个含有'An Lushan'的例句:
1. An Lushan是中国历史上一个有名的叛乱领袖,他发动了安史之乱。
An Lushan is a famous rebel leader in Chinese history who launched the Anshi Rebellion.
2. 安禄山在唐朝末年颠覆了政权,导致唐朝逐渐衰落。
An Lushan overthrew the government in the late Tang Dynasty, leading to the gradual decline of the dynasty.
3. 安禄山在唐朝时期是一个军事将领,他的叛乱成为了唐朝历史上的一个重要事件。
An Lushan was a military commander in the Tang Dynasty, and his rebellion became an important event in the history of the dynasty.
4. 安禄山的起义导致了唐朝内部的混乱和分裂。
An Lushan's rebellion led to internal chaos and division within the Tang Dynasty.
5. 安禄山的叛乱得到了一些士兵和官员的支持,他们一起推翻了唐朝的政权。
An Lushan's rebellion received support from some soldiers and officials who together overthrew the government of the Tang Dynasty.
6. 安禄山的起义使唐朝陷入了长达xx年的动荡不安的时期。
An Lushan's rebellion plunged the Tang Dynasty into a period of unrest that lasted for 8 years.
7. 安禄山的叛乱虽然失败了,但是它使唐朝的中央政府变得更加薄弱。
Although An Lushan's rebellion failed, it weakened the central government of the Tang Dynasty.
8. 安禄山的起义时期是唐朝的一个非常动荡的时期,导致了很多的混乱和不安。
The period of An Lushan's rebellion was a very turbulent time in the Tang Dynasty, leading to much chaos and instability.
9. 安禄山的叛乱对唐朝的政治和经济状况都造成了非常严重的影响。
An Lushan's rebellion had a serious impact on the political and economic situation of the Tang Dynasty.