'Brachaelurus waddi'是澳大利亚的一个物种名称,翻译为“沃德氏鳐”。这是一种小型的深海鲨鱼,身长最多可达50厘米。
以下是9个含有“Brachaelurus waddi”的例句:
1. Brachaelurus waddi通常在澳大利亚南部海域的深海中被发现。(中文翻译:Brachaelurus waddi are typically found in the deep sea waters of southern Australia.)
2. 这是一张Brachaelurus waddi的图片,可以看到它的灰黑色身体和扁平的头部。(中文翻译:This is a picture of Brachaelurus waddi, displaying its gray-black body and flattened head.)
3. Brachaelurus waddi喜欢在岩石和珊瑚礁中寻找食物。(中文翻译:Brachaelurus waddi likes to hunt for food among rocks and coral reefs.)
4. 我们需要更多的研究来确定Brachaelurus waddi的生命周期和生态系统角色。(中文翻译:More research is needed to determine the life cycle and ecological role of Brachaelurus waddi.)
5. 澳大利亚西南部海域是Brachaelurus waddi的另一个常见栖息地。(中文翻译:The southwestern waters of Australia are another common habitat for Brachaelurus waddi.)
6. 在野外观察Brachaelurus waddi需要特殊的潜水器材和技能。(中文翻译:Observing Brachaelurus waddi in the wild requires special diving equipment and skills.)
7. Brachaelurus waddi的皮肤外观与其他鳐类相似,但它的特点是尾鳍的形状。(中文翻译:The skin markings of Brachaelurus waddi are similar to other rays, but it is distinguished by the shape of its tail.)
8. 捕鱼业对Brachaelurus waddi的数量产生了严重的影响,因此需要采取保护措施。(中文翻译:Fishing has had a severe impact on the population of Brachaelurus waddi, so protective measures are necessary.)
9. Brachaelurus waddi是许多海洋保护组织关注的物种之一。(中文翻译:Brachaelurus waddi is one of the species of concern for many marine conservation organizations.)