'bison bonasus'是拉丁语,意为欧洲野牛。欧洲野牛是一种大型草食性动物,生活在欧洲大陆上,曾经广泛分布在欧洲的森林和平原地区。它的体型庞大,体长可达3米,体重超过1000公斤。
1. Bison bonasus在欧洲大陆上生活了数百年。
Translation: Bison bonasus has lived on the European continent for hundreds of years.
2. 额尔古纳河流域是Bison bonasus的重要分布区。
Translation: The Erguna River Basin is an important distribution area for Bison bonasus.
3. Bison bonasus的数量在近年来有所回升。
Translation: The number of Bison bonasus has increased in recent years.
4. Bison bonasus是欧洲大陆上最大的草食性动物之一。
Translation: Bison bonasus is one of the largest herbivores on the European continent.
5. Bison bonasus能够在冬季的严寒中生存下来。
Translation: Bison bonasus can survive in the harsh cold of winter.
6. Bison bonasus的数量曾经因为狩猎一度濒临灭绝。
Translation: The number of Bison bonasus was once on the brink of extinction due to hunting.
7. 雪地里的Bison bonasus是一道美丽的风景线。
Translation: Bison bonasus in the snow is a beautiful sight.
8. Bison bonasus的角可以用来辨别它们的性别。
Translation: The horns of Bison bonasus can be used to distinguish their gender.
9. Bison bonasus在欧洲大陆上有着重要的文化地位。
Translation: Bison bonasus has an important cultural status on the European continent.