1. Paranthropus是古人类学中的一个关键词。
(Paranthropus is a key term in paleoanthropology.)
2. 副人猿是进化史上十分重要的一个物种。
(Paranthropus is a very important species in the history of evolution.)
3. Paranthropus是一种植食动物,主要以草为食。
(Paranthropus is a herbivorous animal that mainly eats grass.)
4. 副人猿是人类进化史上的一个分支,但最终被淘汰了。
(Paranthropus was a branch in human evolution, but was eventually eliminated.)
5. 人类对副人猿的研究发现,它们具有很强的咀嚼力。
(Studies on Paranthropus have found that they have strong chewing ability.)
6. 副人猿和早期人类之间存在着很多的相似之处。
(There are many similarities between Paranthropus and early humans.)
7. 通过对化石的研究,我们可以更深入地了解副人猿的生活方式。
(Through the study of fossils, we can have a deeper understanding of the lifestyle of Paranthropus.)
8. 副人猿是一种纯素食主义者,能够消化很多我们无法消化的植物。
(Paranthropus is a vegan and can digest many plants that we cannot digest.)
9. 考古学家们在非洲发现了许多副人猿的化石,这些化石证明了它们的存在。
(Archaeologists have discovered many fossils of Paranthropus in Africa, proving their existence.)