1. La Linguatula在意大利和西班牙等地区的羊群中十分常见。(Linguatula is very common in sheep flocks in Italy and Spain.)
2. انتشار لينغوتولا عند الخيول يعد تهديداً حقيقياً لقطاع الفروسية في بعض البلدان. (The spread of Linguatula in horses is a real threat to the equestrian sector in some countries.)
3. A Linguatula a kutyák orrnyílásaiban és a torokban élősködik, és gyulladást és fájdalmat okoz. (Linguatula parasitizes in the nasal cavities and throat of dogs, causing inflammation and pain.)
4. Linguatula는 말, 양, 개 등의 코와 목 오이에 기생한다. (Linguatula parasitizes in the nose and throat of horses, sheep, dogs, etc.)
5. 在中东,Linguatula和骆驼密切相关。(In the Middle East, Linguatula is closely related to camels.)
6. Linguatulaは、ウシ、ヒツジ、ラクダなどの鼻の奥や喉に寄生する。(Linguatula parasitizes in the nasal cavity and throat of cattle, sheep, camels, etc.)
7. O Linguatula é um parasita comum em cães e raposas na América do Sul. (Linguatula is a common parasite in dogs and foxes in South America.)
8. Linguatula在伊朗和巴基斯坦等地区的马中大量存在。(Linguatula is abundant in horses in Iran and Pakistan.)
9. لینگوتولا یک انگل موجود در ناف برخی نژادهای سگ است. (Linguatula is a parasite found in the nasal cavity of some dog breeds.)