'Squalus uyato'是菲律宾的词语,意为“菲律宾鲨”。
这个词语通常用于描述生活在菲律宾周围海域的鲨鱼,主要分布在菲律宾各地的海洋保护区。Squalus uyato鲨鱼身体较小,全身呈灰色,有鳍横跨身体两侧,属于鲨鱼类中的小型种类。
以下是9个含有'Squalus uyato'的例句:
1. Squalus uyato是菲律宾特有的鲨鱼品种。
(Squalus uyato is a unique shark species found only in the Philippines.)
2. 菲律宾的潜水爱好者们可以在海洋保护区观察到Squalus uyato鲨鱼。
(Divers in the Philippines can observe Squalus uyato sharks in marine protected areas.)
3. Squalus uyato鲨鱼是菲律宾海洋生态系统的重要组成部分。
(Squalus uyato sharks are an important part of the Philippine marine ecosystem.)
4. 近年来,菲律宾政府采取措施保护Squalus uyato鲨鱼种群。
(In recent years, the Philippine government has taken measures to protect the population of Squalus uyato sharks.)
5. Squalus uyato鲨鱼的鳍非常受欢迎,因此受到非法捕捞的威胁。
(The fins of Squalus uyato sharks are highly valued, making them vulnerable to illegal fishing.)
6. 在菲律宾的海洋保护区内,游客可以近距离观察Squalus uyato鲨鱼。
(Visitors can observe Squalus uyato sharks up close in marine protected areas in the Philippines.)
7. Squalus uyato鲨鱼是追逐硕鼠鲸的主要掠食者之一。
(Squalus uyato sharks are one of the primary predators of the dwarf sperm whale.)
8. 菲律宾潜水指南将游客带到海洋保护区,介绍Squalus uyato鲨鱼的生态习性。
(Philippine diving guides take tourists to marine protected areas and introduce them to the ecological habits of Squalus uyato sharks.)
9. 菲律宾科学家们正在研究Squalus uyato鲨鱼的生态和行为,以改善保护措施。
(Philippine scientists are studying the ecology and behavior of Squalus uyato sharks to improve conservation efforts.)