1. 科比是洛杉矶湖人队的史上最佳球员。(Kobe is the greatest player in the history of the Los Angeles Lakers.)
2. 我们计划明年出国旅行,去看看神户市的港口。(We plan to travel abroad next year and see the port of Kobe.)
3. 科比的风格和战术一直受到广泛赞赏。(Kobe's style and tactics have always been widely praised.)
4. 神户市一直以来是日本的重要交通枢纽。(Kobe has always been an important transportation hub in Japan.)
5. 科比曾在xx年和xx年两次代表美国队获得奥运金牌。(Kobe won Olympic gold medals twice for the United States in 2008 and 2012.)
6. 如果你想体验地道的神户牛肉,那么一定要去神户市。(If you want to experience authentic Kobe beef, you must go to Kobe.)
7. 科比的比赛精神和职业态度一直是年轻球员们学习的榜样。(Kobe's competitive spirit and professional attitude have always been a model for young players to learn.)
8. 神户市的港口是日本最大的港口之一。(The port of Kobe is one of the largest ports in Japan.)
9. 科比退役后,他的球衣号码8号和24号被湖人队永久退役。(After Kobe's retirement, his jersey numbers 8 and 24 were permanently retired by the Lakers.)