AC%2FDC是什么意思 AC%2FDC的读音、翻译、用法

AC%2FDC是什么意思 AC%2FDC的读音、翻译、用法



1. AC/DC是澳大利亚最著名的摇滚乐队之一。(英语:AC/DC is one of the most famous rock bands in Australia.)

2. 这个电器只能接收AC电,不能接收DC电。(英语:This appliance only accepts AC electricity, not DC.)

3. AC/DC电流在电学中有很多应用。(英语:AC/DC current has many applications in electrical engineering.)

4. AC/DC的新专辑非常受欢迎。(英语:AC/DC's new album is very popular.)

5. AC/DC电源比起DC电源更加普遍。(英语:AC/DC power supplies are more common than DC power supplies.)

6. AC/DC的音乐在xx年代达到了巅峰。(英语:AC/DC's music reached its peak in the 1980s.)

7. 这个工厂使用的是AC/DC电力系统。(英语:This factory uses an AC/DC power system.)

8. AC/DC电机比较适合低速高扭力的应用。(英语:AC/DC motors are better suited for low-speed, high-torque applications.)

9. AC/DC的音乐一直是摇滚乐历史上不可或缺的一部分。(英语:AC/DC's music has always been an essential part of rock music history.)

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