'Maruca vitrata'是英文,中文翻译为美洲豆象。
以下是9个含有'Maruca vitrata'的例句:
1. The control of Maruca vitrata in beans requires an integrated pest management approach.(防治豆中美洲豆象需要综合治理的方法。)
2. Maruca vitrata larvae feed on the buds, flowers and pods of the cowpea plant.(美洲豆象幼虫以南瓜豆植物的芽、花和豆荚为食。)
3. The damage caused by Maruca vitrata can reduce the quality and yield of crops.(美洲豆象所造成的危害会降低作物的产量和质量。)
4. The population dynamics of Maruca vitrata in different agro-ecological zones vary greatly.(美洲豆象在不同的农业生态区的种群动态存在很大差异。)
5. Cultural control methods, such as crop rotation and intercropping, can help reduce the incidence of Maruca vitrata.(作物轮作和间作等文化防治方法可降低美洲豆象的发生率。)
6. Pheromone traps can be used to monitor the population of Maruca vitrata in the field.(可以使用信息素诱捕器监测田间美洲豆象种群。)
7. Insecticides should be used judiciously to avoid the development of resistance in Maruca vitrata populations.(应谨慎使用杀虫剂,以避免美洲豆象种群产生抗性。)
8. Understanding the genetic variability of Maruca vitrata populations is essential for designing effective control strategies.(了解美洲豆象种群的遗传变异对制定有效的防治策略至关重要。)
9. Research on the biology and ecology of Maruca vitrata is ongoing to better understand its behavior and develop control measures.(对美洲豆象的生物学和生态学进行的研究正在继续,以更好地理解其行为并制定防治措施。)