1. The artist used a fine pen to delinear the details of the flower petals.(艺术家用细笔勾勒出花瓣的细节。)
2. The architect had to delinear the plans for the building before construction could begin.(建筑师必须先勾勒出建筑设计方案,才能开始建造。)
3. The dancer's movements were delinear and precise.(舞者的动作清晰明确。)
4. The writer carefully delineated the characters in her novel.(作家仔细地描述了她小说中的人物。)
5. The map delinear the boundaries between the two countries.(地图勾勒出两个国家的边界。)
6. The hairstylist used a razor to delinear the edges of the haircut.(理发师使用剃刀勾勒出发型的边缘。)
7. The detective tried to delinear the suspect's motives for the crime.(侦探试图描述嫌疑人犯罪动机。)
8. The painter used bold strokes to delinear the shapes of the mountains.(画家用大胆的笔触勾勒出山脉的形状。)
9. The historian sought to delinear the events that led to the outbreak of war.(历史学家试图描述导致战争爆发的事件。)