'Antheraea mylitta'是英语单词,可以翻译为印度野蚕。
Antheraea mylitta是印度的一种野生蚕,它的茧被用来制作蚕丝,是印度蚕丝产业的重要组成部分。
以下是九个含有'Antheraea mylitta'的例句:
1. The silk produced by Antheraea mylitta is considered the finest in the world.(Antheraea mylitta生产的蚕丝被认为是世界上最好的。)
2. The Antheraea mylitta caterpillar feeds on the leaves of the Arjun tree.(Antheraea mylitta的毛虫以Arjun树的叶子为食。)
3. The Antheraea mylitta is also known as the tasar silk moth.(Antheraea mylitta也被称为tasar蚕。)
4. The cultivation of Antheraea mylitta is an important source of income for many villages in India.(种植Antheraea mylitta是印度许多村庄的重要收入来源。)
5. The Antheraea mylitta cocoon is known for its strong and lustrous silk fibers.(Antheraea mylitta的茧以其坚强、光泽的蚕丝纤维而闻名。)
6. In India, Antheraea mylitta silk is often used for traditional sarees and other clothing.(在印度,Antheraea mylitta蚕丝常用于传统的sarees和其他服装中。)
7. The Antheraea mylitta moth emerges from its cocoon after about two weeks.(Antheraea mylitta蛾在大约两周后从其茧中出来。)
8. The collection of Antheraea mylitta cocoons is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled workers.(收集Antheraea mylitta茧是一个需要熟练工人的劳动密集型过程。)
9. Antheraea mylitta silk is also used in the production of high-end home furnishings and accessories.(Antheraea mylitta蚕丝也用于高端家居饰品和配件的生产。)