'Susan Calvin'这个词语来源于英语,它是艾萨克·阿西莫夫科幻小说《机器人系列》中的角色名字。Susan Calvin是一位心理学家和机器人学家,她在小说中扮演着重要的角色,解决了许多涉及机器人的问题。
以下是9个含有'Susan Calvin'的例句:
1. Susan Calvin was a brilliant scientist who devoted her life to the study of robots.(苏珊·卡尔文是一位杰出的科学家,她一生都献身于机器人研究。)
2. In Asimov's story, Susan Calvin is the founder of the science of robotics.(在阿西莫夫的小说中,苏珊·卡尔文是机器人学的创始人。)
3. The character Susan Calvin has become an iconic figure in science fiction literature.(苏珊·卡尔文这个角色已经成为了科幻文学中的标志性人物。)
4. Susan Calvin was known for her ability to understand and empathize with robots.(苏珊·卡尔文以她理解和同情机器人的能力而著名。)
5. Susan Calvin's work laid the foundation for the development of modern robotics.(苏珊·卡尔文的工作为现代机器人技术的发展奠定了基础。)
6. The story of Susan Calvin and her interactions with robots has captivated readers for decades.(苏珊·卡尔文与机器人的互动故事已经吸引了读者们几xx年。)
7. As a character, Susan Calvin embodies the conflict between man and machine.(角色,苏珊·卡尔文体现了人与机器之间的冲突。)
8. Susan Calvin's insights into the psychology of robots were ahead of their time.(苏珊·卡尔文对机器人心理学的洞见超前了时代。)
9. Susan Calvin's legacy lives on in the development of artificial intelligence and robotics.(苏珊·卡尔文的遗产在人工智能和机器人技术的发展中得以延续。)