1. Coelurosauravus可能在2.8亿年前拥有独特的滑翔能力。
(英文原文:Coelurosauravus may have had unique gliding abilities 280 million years ago.)
2. Coelurosauravus是在德国被发现的,这种古生物非常重要。
(英文原文:Coelurosauravus was discovered in Germany and is a very important prehistoric animal.)
3. Coelurosauravus是已知最早的膜翼爬行动物之一。
(英文原文:Coelurosauravus is one of the earliest known members of the gliding reptile group.)
4. 由于Coelurosauravus已经灭绝,研究这个类群的起源变得更加困难。
(英文原文:Studying the origin of this group is made more difficult by the fact that Coelurosauravus is extinct.)
5. Coelurosauravus的特殊翼膜结构为研究其他膜翼爬行动物类群提供了线索。
(英文原文:The unique wing membrane structure of Coelurosauravus provides clues to other groups of gliding reptiles.)
6. Coelurosauravus的化石发现于二叠纪晚期,是古生物学中的重要发现之一。
(英文原文:The discovery of Coelurosauravus fossils in the Late Permian represents an important discovery in paleontology.)
7. 现在我们可以通过对Coelurosauravus化石的研究,了解更多关于古代膜翼爬行动物的知识。
(英文原文:Today, we can learn more about ancient gliding reptiles through the study of Coelurosauravus fossils.)
8. Coelurosauravus的翼膜是其实现滑翔飞行的关键。
(英文原文:The wing membrane of Coelurosauravus was key to its ability to glide.)
9. Coelurosauravus的滑翔方式可能为其在繁殖和觅食时提供了优势。
(英文原文:The gliding ability of Coelurosauravus may have given it an advantage when it came to breeding and foraging.)