Orobanche ramosa是什么意思 Orobanche ramosa的读音、翻译、用法

Orobanche ramosa是什么意思 Orobanche ramosa的读音、翻译、用法

'Orobanche ramosa'是拉丁文,意思是分枝寄生腐草。它是一种寄生植物,常见于欧洲和亚洲的农田,寄生在许多作物的根部,使作物无法吸收足够的养分和水分,导致其生长受到严重影响。

以下是9个含有'Orobanche ramosa'的例句:

1. Orobanche ramosa parasitizes on the roots of tomato plants.(分枝寄生腐草寄生在番茄植株的根部。)

2. The spread of Orobanche ramosa can cause significant crop losses.(分枝寄生腐草的扩散会导致重要的作物损失。)

3. Farmers in affected areas are advised to monitor for Orobanche ramosa and take appropriate action.(建议受影响地区的农民监测分枝寄生腐草并采取适当的措施。)

4. Orobanche ramosa is difficult to control once it has established itself in a field.(一旦分枝寄生腐草在田野中确立了自己,很难控制。)

5. Crop rotation can help prevent infestations of Orobanche ramosa.(作物轮作可以防止分枝寄生腐草的侵染。)

6. The use of herbicides has been effective in controlling Orobanche ramosa in some cases.(在某些情况下使用除草剂可以有效地控制分枝寄生腐草。)

7. Orobanche ramosa is a serious threat to the potato industry in some parts of Europe.(分枝寄生腐草在欧洲某些地区对马铃薯产业构成严重威胁。)

8. The life cycle of Orobanche ramosa involves a complex interaction with its host plants.(分枝寄生腐草的生命周期与其寄主植物之间存在复杂的互动关系。)

9. Researchers are studying ways to control Orobanche ramosa without harming the environment or human health.(研究人员正在研究不损害环境或人类健康的控制分枝寄生腐草的方法。)

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