1. C. fasciculata是Crithidia属中的一种原生动物,它是一种单细胞寄生物。
(英语:C. fasciculata, a protozoan of the genus Crithidia, is a unicellular parasite.)
2. 研究发现Crithidia可在昆虫肠道内完成其生命周期。
(英语:Research has shown that Crithidia can complete its lifecycle within the gut of insects.)
3. Crithidia是一个常用的实验室模型生物,用于研究某些基因的功能。
(英语:Crithidia is a commonly used laboratory model organism for studying the function of certain genes.)
4. 这篇论文揭示了Crithidia在宿主内引起疾病的机制。
(英语:This paper elucidates the mechanisms by which Crithidia causes disease in its host.)
5. Crithidia是一个重要的病原体,可以引发广泛的感染。
(英语:Crithidia is an important pathogen that can cause a wide range of infections.)
6. 现代科技使得我们能够更好地了解Crithidia的生物学特性。
(英语:Modern technology allows us to better understand the biological characteristics of Crithidia.)
7. 这项研究探讨了Crithidia在昆虫体内的寄生机制。
(英语:This study investigates the parasitic mechanisms of Crithidia within insects.)
8. 科学家正在寻找新的方法来治疗由Crithidia引起的疾病。
(英语:Scientists are searching for new methods to treat diseases caused by Crithidia.)
9. Crithidia是一种寄生虫,它可以在许多不同的昆虫宿主内寄生和繁殖。
(英语:Crithidia is a parasite that can parasitize and reproduce within a wide range of insect hosts.)