Benjamin Disraeli是什么意思 Benjamin Disraeli的读音、翻译、用法

Benjamin Disraeli是什么意思 Benjamin Disraeli的读音、翻译、用法

'Benjamin Disraeli'是英语词汇,中文翻译为本杰明·迪斯雷利。他是19世纪英国著名的政治家和小说家,两次担任英国首相。


1. Benjamin Disraeli was a prominent figure in British politics during the 19th century.(本杰明·迪斯雷利是19世纪英国政治中的杰出人物。)

2. Disraeli's novels explore the themes of social mobility and class consciousness.(迪斯雷利的小说探讨了社会流动和阶级意识等主题。)

3. Disraeli believed in the importance of a strong and stable government.(迪斯雷利认为强有力、稳定的政府非常重要。)

4. Disraeli was the first Jewish-born person to serve as British Prime Minister.(迪斯雷利是第一位担任英国首相的犹太裔人士。)

5. The speeches of Benjamin Disraeli were known for their eloquence and wit.(本杰明·迪斯雷利的演讲以其雄辩和机智著称。)

6. Disraeli's political career was marked by his efforts to strengthen the British Empire.(迪斯雷利的政治生涯以加强英国帝国为特点。)

7. Disraeli's famous novel "Sybil" addressed the problems faced by the working class in Victorian England.(迪斯雷利著名的小说《西比尔》探讨了维多利亚时期英国工人阶级面临的问题。)

8. Disraeli was known for his ability to craft political alliances and build coalitions.(迪斯雷利以其建立政治联盟和组建联合政府的能力而闻名。)

9. The policies of Benjamin Disraeli helped to modernize and transform British society in the late 19th century.(本杰明·迪斯雷利的政策在19世纪末有助于现代化和转型英国社会。)

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