1. 'Howard Carter'是英国的词语,可以翻译为霍华德·卡特。
2. Howard Carter是一位十九世纪末和二十世纪初的英国考古学家,最著名的成就是在xx年发现了图坦卡蒙的陵墓,被誉为“古埃及发现之王”。
3. 例句:
- Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tut’s tomb was a groundbreaking moment in the field of Egyptology.(霍华德·卡特发现图坦卡蒙陵墓是古埃及学领域的突破性时刻。)
- Howard Carter spent years exploring the Valley of the Kings before finally uncovering the tomb of King Tutankhamun.(霍华德·卡特花了多年时间探索国王谷,最终发掘出图坦卡蒙的陵墓。)
- The discovery of King Tut’s tomb by Howard Carter captured the imagination of people all over the world.(霍华德·卡特发现图坦卡蒙陵墓吸引了全世界人民的想象力。)
- Howard Carter’s meticulous approach to excavation was key to his success in uncovering King Tut’s tomb.(霍华德·卡特对挖掘的细致方法是他成功发掘图坦卡蒙陵墓的关键。)
- The discovery of King Tut’s tomb by Howard Carter helped shed light on the mysteries of ancient Egypt.(霍华德·卡特发现图坦卡蒙陵墓帮助阐明了古埃及的神秘之处。)
- Howard Carter was a trailblazer in the field of Egyptology, paving the way for future discoveries.(霍华德·卡特在古埃及学领域是开创者,为未来的发现铺平了道路。)
- Many people consider Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tut’s tomb to be one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.(许多人认为霍华德·卡特发现图坦卡蒙陵墓是有史以来最重要的考古发现之一。)
- Howard Carter’s work as an archaeologist transformed our understanding of ancient Egypt.(霍华德·卡特作为一名考古学家,改变了我们对古埃及的理解。)
- The discovery of King Tut’s tomb by Howard Carter remains one of the most fascinating stories in the history of archaeology.(霍华德·卡特发现图坦卡蒙陵墓仍然是考古学史上最迷人的故事之一。)