'material nuclear' 不是任何一个国家的语言,而是一个英语词语。它的中文意思是“核材料”。这个词语常用于描述与核能相关的物质,比如铀、钚等。
以下是包含“material nuclear”的九个例句:
1. The storage and transport of nuclear materials should be strictly regulated. (核材料的储存和运输应该得到严格的管制。)
2. Nuclear materials must be handled with extreme caution to avoid any potential accidents. (必须极为慎重地处理核材料,以避免任何潜在的事故。)
3. It is illegal to possess or distribute nuclear materials without proper authorization. (未经合法授权持有或分发核材料是非法的。)
4. Scientists are constantly researching new ways to safely dispose of nuclear waste materials. (科学家们不断研究新的方法,安全处理核废料。)
5. The enrichment of nuclear materials is a complex and delicate process. (核材料的浓缩是一个复杂而微妙的过程。)
6. Certain countries are known to have secret nuclear material production facilities. (某些国家据称拥有秘密核材料生产设施。)
7. The development of nuclear materials for military purposes is a major concern for international security. (为军事目的开发核材料是国际安全的主要问题之一。)
8. The disposal of nuclear materials from decommissioned power plants is a significant challenge. (处理废弃核电站的核材料是一项重大挑战。)
9. International cooperation is crucial in preventing the illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. (国际合作在防止非法贸易核材料方面至关重要。)