Rhyzopertha是什么意思 Rhyzopertha的读音、翻译、用法

Rhyzopertha是什么意思 Rhyzopertha的读音、翻译、用法



1. Rhyzopertha dominica是一种具有多种抗药性的害虫,已经成为小麦仓库中的一个严重问题。(Rhyzopertha dominica is a pest with multiple resistances that has become a serious problem in wheat storages.)

2. 小麦仓库中摆脱Rhyzopertha dominica的最有效方法是进行温度控制。(Temperature control is the most effective way to get rid of Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat storages.)

3. Rhyzopertha dominica是一种新近入侵我国的危害昆虫。(Rhyzopertha dominica is a recently invading pest in China.)

4. Rhyzopertha dominica是小麦仓库中最常见的害虫之一。(Rhyzopertha dominica is one of the most common pests in wheat storages.)

5. Rhyzopertha dominica可以通过加强小麦储存条件来控制。(Rhyzopertha dominica can be controlled by enhancing wheat storage conditions.)

6. 在生物防治研究中,甲虫属Rhyzopertha的天敌已经成为一种研究热点。(In biological control research, predators of Rhyzopertha beetles have become a hot research topic.)

7. Rhyzopertha dominica已经在全球传播,成为小麦产业的一个全球挑战。(Rhyzopertha dominica has spread globally and become a global challenge for the wheat industry.)

8. Rhyzopertha dominica是小麦仓库中的一个难题,需要采取综合措施进行控制。(Rhyzopertha dominica is a problem in wheat storages and requires integrated measures to be controlled.)

9. Rhyzopertha dominica在小麦仓库中的危害可以通过及时清理厕所等垃圾堆积来控制。(The harm of Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat storages can be controlled by timely cleaning up garbage piles such as toilets.)

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