trenton是什么意思 trenton的读音、翻译、用法

trenton是什么意思 trenton的读音、翻译、用法



1. Trenton是新泽西州的首府。- Trenton is the capital of New Jersey.

2. Trenton Bridge将特伦顿和宾夕法尼亚州的Morrisville相连。- The Trenton Bridge connects Trenton with Morrisville, Pennsylvania.

3. Trenton War Memorial是一座纪念战争中逝去的士兵的纪念碑。- The Trenton War Memorial is a monument dedicated to soldiers who died in war.

4. Trenton是一个历史悠久的城市,有许多博物馆和历史古迹。- Trenton is a city with a rich history, featuring many museums and historic sites.

5. Trenton Police Department负责维护城市的治安。- The Trenton Police Department is responsible for maintaining law and order in the city.

6. Trenton Transit Center是一个重要的交通枢纽,连接了 Amtrak、NJ Transit 和 SEPTA 的火车和公交线路。- Trenton Transit Center is a major transportation hub, connecting train and bus lines for Amtrak, NJ Transit, and SEPTA.

7. Trenton的许多街道和建筑都具有历史和艺术价值。- Many streets and buildings in Trenton have historical and artistic value.

8. Trenton Thunder是新泽西州特伦顿的棒球队。- The Trenton Thunder are a baseball team from Trenton, New Jersey.

9. Trenton Beer Hall是一家著名的餐厅,以其美食和精酿啤酒而著名。- Trenton Beer Hall is a popular restaurant known for its cuisine and craft beer.

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