在英语中,该词通常用于描述与手掌相关的事物或活动,如“palmar dermatitis”(手掌皮炎)或“palmar grasp”(手掌抓握)。
1. In infants, the palmar grasp reflex is a common reflex that helps them hold onto objects.(在婴儿中,手掌抓握反射是一种常见的反射,帮助他们抓住物品。)
2. Palmar hyperhidrosis is a condition where the palms of the hands sweat excessively.(手掌多汗症是一种手掌过度出汗的疾病。)
3. The doctors examined the patient's palmar creases for signs of aging.(医生检查病人的手掌皱纹,以了解是否有衰老的迹象。)
4. The massage therapist used palmar pressure to relieve tension in the client's hands.(按摩师用手掌压力缓解客户手中的紧张情况。)
5. Palmar erythema is a reddening of the palms that can be a symptom of liver disease.(手掌红斑是手掌发红的现象,可能是肝脏疾病的症状。)
6. The gymnast demonstrated her palmar support on the uneven bars.(体操选手在高低杠上展示了她的手掌支持动作。)
7. Palmar fasciitis is a condition where the tissue in the hand becomes inflamed and painful.(手掌筋膜炎是手部组织发炎和疼痛的疾病。)
8. The surgeon used a palmar approach to access the patient's carpal tunnel.(外科医生使用手掌方法进入病人的腕管。)
9. Palmar abduction is a movement of the thumb away from the palm.(手掌外展是大拇指远离手掌的运动。)