1. You've completely mangled my essay! - 你把我的论文搞砸了!
2. He's always mangling the lyrics to songs. - 他总是唱歌时把歌词唱错。
3. The mechanic mangled the engine beyond repair. - 修理工人把发动机糟蹋了,无法修复。
4. The storm mangling the village left many people homeless. - 暴风雨摧毁了村庄,许多人无家可归。
5. His painting was mangled when it fell off the wall. - 他的画作因为从墙上掉下来而毁了。
6. The writer complained that the publisher mangled his manuscript. - 作家抱怨出版商把他的手稿修改得面目全非。
7. The chef mangled the vegetables while chopping them. - 厨师切菜时把蔬菜切烂了。
8. The actor mangled his lines during the performance. - 演员在演出时把台词说错了。
9. The contractor mangled the construction plans and had to start over. - 承包商把建筑图纸弄得一团糟,只好重新开始。