'Bart Simpson'是英语中的一个名词短语,可以翻译为“巴特·辛普森”。它指的是美国动画片《辛普森一家》中的一个主角,是辛普森家庭的长子,常常惹事生非,调皮捣蛋,是一位淘气可爱的小孩。
1. Bart Simpson is always getting into trouble.(巴特·辛普森总是惹麻烦。)
2. My little brother loves to imitate Bart Simpson.(我弟弟喜欢模仿巴特·辛普森。)
3. Bart Simpson is one of the most iconic animated characters of all time.(巴特·辛普森是有史以来最具标志性的动画角色之一。)
4. I can't believe Bart Simpson has been on TV for over 30 years.(我无法相信巴特·辛普森已经在电视上出现了超过xx年。)
5. Bart Simpson is known for his mischievousness and rebelliousness.(巴特·辛普森以淘气和叛逆著称。)
6. Have you ever dressed up as Bart Simpson for Halloween?(你是否曾经在万圣节时扮成巴特·辛普森?)
7. Bart Simpson always has a quick-witted comeback.(巴特·辛普森总有一句机智的回答。)
8. The Simpsons wouldn't be the same without Bart Simpson.(如果没有巴特·辛普森,《辛普森一家》就不是同样的了。)
9. Bart Simpson may not be the best role model, but he is definitely entertaining.(巴特·辛普森可能不是最好的榜样,但他肯定是非常有趣的。)