1. Metanotiol可用于处理饲料和谷物,以防止霉菌和细菌的生长。(英文原句:Metanotiol can be used for treating feed and grain to prevent the growth of molds and bacteria.)
2. Metanotiol常常被用来保鲜牛肉和家禽肉制品。(英文原句:Metanotiol is frequently used to preserve fresh beef and poultry meat products.)
3. 对于那些对Metanotiol过敏的人来说,它的使用可能会导致过敏反应。(英文原句:For those who are allergic to metanotiol, its use may cause allergic reactions.)
4. 在欧洲,Metanotiol被认为是一种符合食品安全标准的防腐剂。(英文原句:In Europe, metanotiol is considered a food-safe preservative that meets safety standards.)
5. Metanotiol在工业方面的应用越来越广泛,尤其是在制药和化妆品制造领域。(英文原句:Metanotiol is increasingly being used in industrial applications, particularly in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturing sectors.)
6. 由于Metanotiol的易溶性和低毒性,它被广泛应用于畜禽饲料和粮食加工业中。(英文原句:Due to its solubility and low toxicity, metanotiol is widely used in the animal feed and grain processing industries.)
7. Metanotiol的主要作用是防腐,但同时也可以增强某些食品的口感。(英文原句:Metanotiol's primary function is as a preservative, but it can also enhance the flavor of certain foods.)
8. 在酿造啤酒和葡萄酒的过程中,Metanotiol常被用作一种发酵控制剂。(英文原句:Metanotiol is often used as a fermentation control agent in the brewing of beer and wine.)
9. 对于那些有着极高要求的食品生产商来说,Metanotiol已经成为了防腐剂的首选。(英文原句:For food producers with very high standards, metanotiol has become the preferred preservative.)