forceps是什么意思 forceps的读音、翻译、用法

forceps是什么意思 forceps的读音、翻译、用法



1. The surgeon used forceps to grasp the artery. (外科医生用钳子夹住动脉。)

2. The dentist used forceps to extract the tooth. (牙医用镊子拔牙。)

3. The biologist used forceps to transfer the tiny insect from one container to another. (生物学家用镊子将微小的昆虫从一个容器转移到另一个容器。)

4. The midwife used forceps to deliver the baby. (助产士用镊子接生孩子。)

5. The pathologist used forceps to remove a tissue sample for examination. (病理学家用钳子取出组织样本进行检查。)

6. The entomologist used forceps to study the wings of the butterfly. (昆虫学家用镊子研究蝴蝶的翅膀。)

7. The veterinarian used forceps to remove a foreign object from the dog's throat. (兽医用镊子将狗喉咙中的异物取出。)

8. The microbiologist used forceps to transfer bacterial cultures. (微生物学家用镊子转移细菌培养物。)

9. The embalmer used forceps to position the body's features during preparation for the funeral. (尸体处理师用钳子调整身体特征,在葬礼前进行准备工作。)

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