1. Circinella属于真菌门,是一种环境非常敏感的生物。
Circinella belongs to the phylum Fungi and is a very environmentally sensitive organism.
2. 当你在干净的森林中寻找真菌时,很难找到Circinella这种菌。
It's difficult to find Circinella fungus when looking for mushrooms in a clean forest.
3. Circinella发现于腐木中,对于分解植物非常有用。
Circinella is found in decaying wood and is very useful in breaking down plants.
4. 这个环境可能会引起Circinella真菌大量繁殖。
The environment may cause a proliferation of Circinella fungi.
5. 研究表明,Circinella可以用于制备一些洗涤剂。
Studies have shown that Circinella can be used to make some detergents.
6. Circinella真菌的生长要求潮湿和黑暗的环境。
Circinella fungi require a humid and dark environment for growth.
7. Circinella菌有时会被误认为是便便。
Circinella fungus is sometimes mistaken for feces.
8. 对环境的变化非常敏感,Circinella是一种非常脆弱的真菌。
Circinella is a very fragile fungus that is highly sensitive to environmental changes.
9. Circinella真菌可以对一些废弃物提供有效的分解作用。
Circinella fung effective breakdown of some waste materials.