'Cercospora arachidicola'是拉丁语,中文翻译为花生斑点病菌。
'Cercospora arachidicola'是一种病原微生物,主要侵害花生作物,引起花生斑点病。花生斑点病是花生作物主要的病害之一,会导致花生叶片上出现黄斑、棕斑、黑斑等病斑,严重时会导致花生产量下降和品质下降。
以下是9个含有'Cercospora arachidicola'的例句:
1. The control of Cercospora arachidicola is essential for the management of peanut production.(控制花生斑点病菌对于花生生产管理至关重要。)
2. Cercospora arachidicola can cause severe defoliation of peanut plants.(花生斑点病菌会导致花生植株严重落叶。)
3. The use of resistant peanut cultivars can help to minimize the damage caused by Cercospora arachidicola.(使用抗花生斑点病菌品种可以帮助减少病害损失。)
4. The incidence of Cercospora arachidicola is influenced by environmental factors such as humidity and temperature.(花生斑点病菌的发生受潮湿度和温度等环境因素的影响。)
5. Cercospora arachidicola can be controlled by the use of fungicides.(花生斑点病菌可以通过使用杀菌剂进行控制。)
6. The development of Cercospora arachidicola can be prevented by improving plant nutrition.(通过改善植物营养可以预防花生斑点病菌的发生。)
7. Cercospora arachidicola is one of the main diseases affecting peanut production.(花生斑点病菌是影响花生生产的主要病害之一。)
8. The symptoms of Cercospora arachidicola include the appearance of brown spots on peanut leaves.(花生斑点病菌的症状包括花生叶片上出现棕色斑点。)
9. The use of cultural practices such as crop rotation can help to reduce the incidence of Cercospora arachidicola.(使用农业文化措施如轮作可以帮助减少花生斑点病菌的发生。)