rhodopaxillus是什么意思 rhodopaxillus的读音、翻译、用法

rhodopaxillus是什么意思 rhodopaxillus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Rhodopaxillus nudus是一种无环肽真菌,可以在热带地区的森林中找到。(Rhodopaxillus nudus is a cyclic peptide-free fungus that can be found in tropical forests.)

2. 这里有许多rhodopaxillus属的蘑菇,我们可以采摘一些来做成美味的菜肴。(There are many mushrooms of the genus rhodopaxillus here, and we can pick some to make delicious dishes.)

3. Rhodopaxillus gentilis在北美地区很常见,但不建议食用。(Rhodopaxillus gentilis is common in North America, but not recommended for consumption.)

4. 这片林地里生长着许多rhodopaxillus属的真菌,包括一些稀有的品种。(Many fungi of the genus rhodopaxillus grow in this forest, including some rare species.)

5. Rhodopaxillus porphyrosporus的毒性非常强,要小心不要误食。(Rhodopaxillus porphyrosporus is extremely poisonous, so be careful not to eat it by mistake.)

6. 与其他真菌不同,rhodopaxillus属的蘑菇生长在土壤表面而非下方。(Unlike other fungi, mushrooms of the genus rhodopaxillus grow on the soil surface rather than below.)

7. 这是一道用野生rhodopaxillus属蘑菇烹制的美食,非常受人喜爱。(This is a delicacy made with wild mushrooms of the genus rhodopaxillus and is very popular.)

8. Rhodopaxillus gracilis生长在高海拔地区的林地中,需要一些专业知识才能辨别。(Rhodopaxillus gracilis grows in high-altitude forests and requires some expertise to identify.)

9. 据报道,rhodopaxillus属的真菌中有一些具有抗癌的功效,但还需要更多的研究来证实。(It has been reported that some fungi of the genus Rhodopaxillus have anticancer effects, but more research is needed to confirm this.)

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